OP Folder

App store icon

Save, preview and share sessions from your OP-1.

Learn more Coming soon


Current session screen

View a session

Save session screen

Save a session

Session list screen

See your saved sessions

Sync to disk screen

Sync a session back to your device

About OP Folder

What does this app do?

OP Folder lets you save, preview, and share music in the OP-1 directory format.

How do I share things?

You can long press any of the audio clips in the session view to open a share menu. You can also save a .zip file of your entire session.

How can I connect it to an OP-1?

You can use a USB C to USB Mini cable if you are using an iPad Pro with a USB C connector. I use this one. Otherwise you might be able to use the Apple camera adapter kit with the cable that comes with the OP-1.

Where is my Disk?

Once you put your OP-1 in Disk Mode, you should see it show up in the File browser. It may be listed as NO NAME.

Do I have to use an OP-1?

Nope. You can use the app to manage backups you have made directly from devices like the OP-1 or any other device or software that uses the same directory structure as specified above.

I have a question/comment/feature request!

You can email me here: hi@opfolder.app

Why is the app icon bread?

It's supposed to be a Mini-B USB jack but I’m bad at art.
